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Your luxury hotel in the mountains of Campos do Jordão.

Your luxury hotel
in the mountains
of Campos do Jordão.

Fully renovated with experiences for the whole family.

Hotel Ort na CNN

Spa Wellness

Spa Wellness Spa Wellness


Quartos foto de um dos quartos do hotel berg


Gastronomia foto demonstrando a gastronomia presente no hotel berg



The Hotel

The Berg Ort Hotel brings a new meaning to luxury and design. With freshness to the iconic city of Campos do Jordão, combining the nature of its gardens designed for contemplation with the environment of comfort and luxury of its building, built in the “Bavarian” style in the 40s, completely renovated between 2020 and 2021, incorporating all the European soul into the details of your accommodations.

The Hotel

The Berg Ort Hotel brings a new meaning to luxury and design. With freshness to the iconic city of Campos do Jordão, combining the nature of its gardens designed for contemplation with the environment of comfort and luxury of its building, built in the “Bavarian” style in the 40s, completely renovated between 2020 and 2021, incorporating all the European soul into the details of your accommodations.

✹ Rua Eng. Gustavo Kaiser, 165 Vila Natal - Campos do Jordão/SP ✦ ✹ Rua Eng. Gustavo Kaiser, 165 Vila Natal - Campos do Jordão/SP ✦ ✹ Rua Eng. Gustavo Kaiser, 165 Vila Natal - Campos do Jordão/SP ✦ ✹ Rua Eng. Gustavo Kaiser, 165 Vila Natal - Campos do Jordão/SP ✦

©Berg Hotel Ort 1943 - 2025. Todos os Direitos Reservados.

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